Sunday 15 March 2015

4 Leg and Booty Exercises for Any Fitness Level

As a trainer, part of my job is to take foundation movements (such as squats and lunges) and find ways to progress them for any fitness level.
Below are some of my favourite exercises I use with my clients – regardless of what level they’re working at. You can choose to do these with or without weights.
What You Need:
The Breakdown:
  • Perform exercise #1 and #2 with no rest between (This is a superset!)
  • Repeat for 3-4 sets with 60-90secs rest between sets
  • Superset exercises #3 and #4
  • Repeat for 3-4 sets with 60-90secs rest between sets

1. Seated Squat – 15 reps 
Begin standing in front of the steps with your feet slightly wider than hip width distance apart, toes angled slightly out. Place your hands behind your head (feel free to use a weighted bar or do a "goblet" style squat with a free weight)
Begin standing in front of the steps with your feet slightly wider than hip width distance apart, toes angled slightly out. Place your hands behind your head (feel free to use a weighted bar or do a “goblet” style squat with a free weight)
Keeping your heels on the ground, sit back and down in to a low squat squat until you're seated on the steps. Don't drop! Make sure you squeeze your glutes and use control.
Keeping your heels on the ground, sit back and down in to a low squat squat until you’re seated on the steps. Don’t drop! Make sure you squeeze your glutes and use control. Press through your heels and return to standing.

2.Step Ups – 15 per leg (One leg at a time then switch!)
Begin with one foot on the steps, hands on your hips. (If you choose to use free wights, hold them at your sides)
Begin with one foot on the step, hands on your hips. (If you choose to use free weights, hold them at your sides)
Squeeze your butt and step up on to the platform. Don't launch off your back foot! The only leg that should be working is the one on the step!
Squeeze your butt and step up on to the platform. Don’t launch off your back foot – the only leg that should be working is the one on the step!
Squeeze your tush and lower WITH CONTROL back to your starting position.
Squeeze your tush and lower WITH CONTROL back to your starting position. The goal is trying to keep your knee from wobbling both on the way up and down.
3. Split Squats – 15 per leg (one leg at a time then switch!)
Begin with one foot rooted on the steps and the other in front of you (think of this as a lunge prep with your back leg lifted) Place your hands on your hips. If you're using weights - you can have the hiit bar on your shoulders or hold two free weights at your sides.  TIP: This move requires a decent amount of flexibility. Don't be afraid to lower the  steps for your back leg.
Begin with one foot rooted on the steps and the other in front of you (think of this as a lunge prep with your back leg lifted) Place your hands on your hips. If you’re using weights – you can have the hiit bar on your shoulders or hold two free weights at your sides.
TIP: This move requires a decent amount of flexibility. Don’t be afraid to lower the steps for your back leg.
Bend both knees and drop as low as you can, keeping your front heel on the ground.
Bend both knees and drop as low as you can, keeping your front heel on the ground.
Root through your front heel, squeeze your butt and press back to your starting position.
Root through your front heel, squeeze your butt and press back to your starting position.

4. Box Jumps – 15 reps
Begin in a low squat, steps in front of you
Begin in a low squat, steps in front of you
Jump off of both feet
Jump off of both feet
Land with both feet in a squat. Jump off with both feet and repeat. TIP: Feel free to adjust the height of the step to whatever feels most comfortable - especially if you have knee or joint issues!
Land with both feet in a squat on the steps. Jump off  back to the ground with both feet and repeat. TIP: Feel free to adjust the height of the step to whatever feels most comfortable – especially if you have knee or joint issues – even a little tiny hop up is good until you get stronger!

Try this workout a couple times a week, adding the progression of weights as you get stronger. You won’t believe how quickly you build more strength in your lower body!

Article and photo Source: 

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